From The Gazette, Saturday 29th March. The artical talks about the cellphone restrictions.
Because of the accidents caused by using cellphone when people are driving is increasing, Quecbec established a new law which is ban on using hand-held phones when people are driving.
The Goverment hopes the new law will cut down on accidents, but the result still has not been known yet.
Now, drivers now are looking for hand-free phones which will remain legal when they are driving instead of using hand-held ones. Thus, it may cause other effects. People think that it's safe to drive with hands-free, they will buy them and talk even more on cellphone. Research shows that the more people talk on cell while driving, the higher the risk of having an accident.
One of the most serious problem caused by using cell while driving is distraction. Research indicates distraction from cellphone can reduce driver's attention to other signs such as visual and audio clues that could help avoid crashes. Moreover, studies show that the effects caused by hand-held or hands-free phone are the same.
According to research, when a person is driving and talking on the phone, he is virtually out of vehicle. Plus, it will takes a half-second before comming back into the vehicle. During that time, the vehicle will move 10-15 meters and that can be the difference between life and death.
Author said if goverment want to release a ban, it should have prohibited hands-free phones as well.
I think the ban on using hand-held phone while driving is right. Otherwise, banning on hands-free phone is hard to be acceptable. First, we can't only just look at bad results. Not everyone will get accidents when they talking on the phone while drving. Moreover, we use hands-free phone, our hands are free to drive. It's much better than hand-held phone and can reduce accidents. Second, the time that people drive car everyday is about 1 or 2 hours. Plus, if you travel to other places of country, it will take along time to drive. Thus, without using cellphone it, it's not really a good solution.
Well, I guess it will take time. My country also has this kind of law but it's not very effective because punishment is not that serious and police do not check all the time. So people easily ignore or forget this law. By the way, good luck, Loc!! :D
nice ha`man
nice ha`man
Do you drive and talk on the phone? I really find it distractive, and I almost never use it unless it's an emergency.
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