Well, if talk about Video-Game (VG), i'm a excited fan of it. As we know, nowadays VGs not only aim to only children, but also there are alot of different levels of age are play them.
Well, everything has its own value, and VGs are either. VGs have both negative and positive impacts on our society. About negative aspects, playing VGs is kind of wasting time, they cost alot of money of gamers, and also affect on health such as creating visual problems, obesity, both physical and psycological violence and others. Basing on these negative effects, VGs should be abolished. However, about positive aspects, VGs bring to alot of benefits such as creating jobs and being one of incomes of contries. Moreover, VGs are considered a kind of entertainment that helps people relaxed after studying or working hours; and VGs also create an social environment like our daily life, people can get friends in the game, have talks and fun together.
Well, it's hard to decide that which aspects are better than the other one. But, for me, now, VGs are one of elements in our life. If VGs are missing, there will be something changing. Also, we can not deny the profits that they are making. Instead of judging, we should admit them.
yes, i have a same feeling with you, Video game already become my part of life, i can find my dream that i cannot reach it in the real world!
I can see that. You always say I am addicted to TV but I must say, you are addicted to VG and cigarette!!!!!!!!
You had nice ideas about video games. I know that video games are very important to many people's lives. However, if we don't know how to control the time we spend on it, VGs may be a problem.
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